


University officials closely monitor the weather for potential threats to campus. In the case of a cyclone (a tropical system), detailed tracking begins early in the 风暴的发展.

杰克逊维尔大学 will communicate to students through the following methods:




当夏季气温上升时,极端炎热的天气会让你生病. 热 stress is heat-related 疾病 caused by your body’s inability to cool down properly. The body normally cools itself by sweating, but, under some conditions, sweating just 不足以让你的身体补偿热量. 保持冷静很重要 并补充水分以保护自己.

  • 在一天中最热的时候呆在有空调的地方. 如果你不知道 have air conditioning in your home, go to a public place such as a shopping mall or 一个凉快的图书馆. 冷却站和老年中心也可以在 许多大城市适合各个年龄段的人居住.
  • 穿轻便、宽松的衣服.
  • 经常喝水. 不要等到口渴的时候.
  • Avoid unnecessary hard work or activities if you are outside or in a building without 空调.
  • 避免不必要的日晒. 在阳光下,戴上帽子,最好是宽的 边缘.
  • Air conditioning is the strongest protective factor against heat-related 疾病. Exposure to air conditioning for even a few hours a day will reduce the risk for heat-related 疾病.


Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is emitted by the sun and artificial sources, such as tanning 床. 虽然它对人们有一些好处,包括产生维生素D, it also can cause health risks, including sunburn, eye damage, and skin cancer.


  • 呆在阴凉处,尤其是在中午.
  • 穿能遮住胳膊和腿的衣服.
  • 戴一顶宽檐帽,遮住你的脸、头、耳朵和脖子.
  • 戴上能阻挡UVA和UVB射线的环绕式太阳镜.
  • Use sunscreen with sun 保护 factor (SPF) 15 or higher, for both UVA and UVB 保护.
  • 避免在室内晒黑. 室内晒黑对年轻用户尤其危险; people who begin indoor tanning during adolescence or early adulthood have a higher 患黑色素瘤的风险.


蚊子叮咬不仅仅是令人讨厌和发痒. 它们可以传播病毒 让你生病,或者在极少数情况下导致死亡. 尽管大多数蚊子都是 just nuisance mosquitoes, some kinds of mosquitoes in the United States and around 世界上传播的病毒会导致疾病.

  • Use insect repellent: When used as directed, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents are proven safe and effective, even for pregnant and breastfeeding 女性. Use an EPA-registered insect repellent with one of the following active ingredients:
    • 避蚊胺
    • Picaridin
    • IR3535
    • 柠檬桉树油(OLE)
    • Para-menthane-diol (PMD)
    • 2-undecanone
  • 遮盖:穿长袖衬衫和长裤.
  • 将蚊子挡在室外:使用空调或门窗纱窗. 如果你 are not able to protect yourself from mosquitoes inside your home or hotel, sleep 在蚊帐下面.


Florida has been called the “lightning capital” of the United States, with more than 过去50年里有2000起雷击伤害. 这些伤害大多是可以预防的 还有一些基本的安全预防措施.


  • If the weather forecast calls for thunder风暴s, postpone your trip or activity.
  • 记住:当打雷时,请进入室内. 找一个安全、封闭的庇护所.
  • 主要的雷电安全指南是30-30规则. 看到闪电后,开始行动 数到30. 如果你在30岁之前听到雷声,就到室内去. 暂停活动 打雷后至少30分钟.
  • If no shelter is available, crouch low, with as little of your body touching the ground 尽可能. 闪电会在地面顶部产生电流 在100英尺外是致命的.
  • 远离混凝土地板或墙壁. 闪电可以穿过任何金属线 或者水泥墙或地板上的栏杆.
  • Although you should move into a non-concrete structure if possible, being indoors 不会自动保护你免受雷击吗. 事实上,大约有三分之一的雷击 伤害发生在室内.


  • 在雷雨天气避免进水. 闪电可以穿过管道.
  • 避免使用各种电子设备. 闪电可以穿过电力系统 以及广播和电视接收系统.
  • 避免使用有线电话. 然而,无绳或移动电话在流感期间使用是安全的 风暴.
  • 避免使用混凝土地板和墙壁.


On average, more people are killed by 洪水 than by any other single severe weather 危险,包括龙卷风、闪电和飓风. 大多数死亡都发生了 在夜间,很难看到积水.


  • 不要在被水淹没的道路上开车.
  • 不要开车穿过流水.
  • 如果你接近一条被水淹没的道路,掉头——不要淹死.
  • 即使路面只是潮湿或下雨,也要格外小心驾驶. 你可能会输 control of your vehicle if hydroplaning occurs, which is when a layer of water builds up between your tires and the road, causing there to be no direct contact between 你的车辆和道路.


  • 如果建议撤离,立即撤离! 迅速行动,拯救自己,你可能不会 有很多时间.
  • Get out of areas that are subject to 洪水 and move to a safe area before access 被洪水切断了吗. 低洼的地方,如斜坡、峡谷和峡谷,都不适合 洪水期间你想去的地方!
  • 如果没有必要,不要开车. 如果必须开车,不要试图开车过去 a flooded road, as the depth of 水 is not always obvious, and the roadway may 在水下不再完整. Never drive around a barricade; they are placed 这是为了保护你! 如果你的车辆失速,立即离开,并移动 在你和你的车被水冲走之前转移到地势较高的地方.
  • 不要试图在洪水中行走、游泳或玩耍. 你可能无法确定 if there are holes or submerged debris, or how quickly 水 is flowing, and you 可能会被冲走. 如果水流湍急,6英寸深的水就可以 让你神魂颠倒! 还有危险物质污染的危险 水. Also remember that water is an electrical conductor; if there are power 如果电线断了,有触电的可能.


The rain and wind associated with thunder风暴s can produce some debris, especially 在杰克逊维尔,镇上的许多地方都有美丽、成熟的树木. 分支机构 如果土壤被浸透,树木就会连根拔起. 注意你周围的环境.



  • 有关部门正在密切关注恶劣天气条件下可能出现的漏斗.
  • A tornado has been sighted and authorities are warning you to take necessary precautions.


  • 在室内寻求庇护,最好是室内走廊或较低的楼层.
  • 如果你在校园里,避免在体育馆寻求庇护.
  • 避开窗户和门,如果有的话,躲在沉重的家具下.
  • 如果在户外,在沟渠或洼地中寻找避难所.
  • Report any injuries, damage, and/or 洪水 on campus to 校园安全 at (904) 256-7585.



取消 & 疏散

Depending on the severity of the emergency, 杰克逊维尔大学 may choose to 在维持校园基本运作的同时取消课程. 请熟悉 yourself with the campus procedures that may take effect in the event of a severe 天气应急.


  • The Provost and Chief Academic Affairs 办公室r will determine the cancellation of 类. 请查看大学网站和大学电子邮件获取信息 与课程取消有关.
  • 住宅设施将继续开放.


  • 所有课程将被取消,商业活动将停止.
  • If possible, JU may keep open portions of the residential facilities and essential 大学的操作.


  • When a voluntary evacuation is issued for Duval County, a voluntary evacuation may 也发给杰克逊维尔大学的学生.
  • 学生将被鼓励撤离校园. 不能旅行的学生 home will be provided with alternative housing options through the Residential Life 办公室. 根据风暴的严重程度,学生可能会被要求搬迁 到橡树厅.
  • Students will be allowed to drive home when the hurricane is far from landfall and 天气条件允许.  不前往永久居住地的学生 are expected to notify their parents of their whereabouts and complete the emergency 海豚链接上的联系信息表格.
  • All students should take all of their notes, course syllabi, assignments, books and 附加课程材料.  老师希望你继续学习你的课程 在疏散期间.
  • University personnel such as 校园安全, maintenance workers, and their supervisors 会在暴风雨期间继续值班吗.  校园官员们一直在忙 与当地、县和州应急管理人员联系.



  • Students will be allowed several hours of safe driving time in daylight hours before 预计登陆.
  • 不前往永久居住地的学生 are expected to notify their parents and/or out-of-state relative or friend to advise them of their whereabouts 联系方式. 学生必须填写紧急联系信息 海豚链接上的表格. 请列印此表格,并提供一份副本给你的宿舍主任 在离开之前.
  • The Student Life office will help coordinate temporary housing for those students 谁不能回家.  学生应立即联系(904)256-7067 寻求住宿方面的帮助.

Remember, it could take several days to provide a safe environment on campus after 飓风:飓风或大风暴.  在离开校园的时候,所有的学生都应该不断地 monitor the JU Homepage for information and instructions for returning after the 风暴.  在收到指示之前,请不要返回校园.


  • 学生、教职员工和社区交通将被允许返回校园.
  • 部分或全部业务操作和流程将恢复.
  • 上课可能会也可能不会.
  • 居住设施可以关闭,也可以不关闭.
  • JU只能重新开放大学的部分业务.





  • 大量的瓶装水
  • 一个手电筒(和足够的电池)!)
  • Food that doesn't need to be refrigerated or cooked, like chips, crackers, granola 酒吧等.
  • 毯子和保暖衣物(没有电=没有暖气)
  • 电池供电的风扇(没有电=没有空调)
  • 现金(如果停电,自动取款机和读卡器将无法工作)
  • Have your license/ID/school ID/passport set aside in case you have to evacuate


At all stages, listen and watch for information/announcements from Residential Life, 你的宿舍管理员,应急准备小组或校园安全.


  • 给手机充电.
  • 洗衣服(你不想被脏衣服困住吗!).
  • 淋浴(以防失去热水).
  • 关上并锁好你的窗户.
  • 如果你’re on the ground floor, unplug and move everything you don’t need in case of 洪水.
  • 把贵重物品锁在抽屉/储物箱里.
  • 如果你在学校有车,把油箱加满.
  • Pack a bag with clothing, toiletries, and any other essentials you use in case you 必须搬迁或撤离.


  • 万一停电,给冰箱除霜. 下面放条毛巾以防它 泄漏.
  • All residents remaining on campus during a hurricane will be moved to a residence 在校园南端的大厅.
  • 待在室内,除非学校官员另有指示.
  • 远离窗户.
  • 记录下暴风雨对你房间造成的任何损坏.
  • 保持手机充满电.
  • 与家人保持联系,让他们了解最新情况.
  • 最重要的是,保持冷静!
